Love should not hurt, so turn up the volume and sing your heart out! Time has shown us, there are countless songs written about toxic relationships. It spans every decade and every genre. Sadly, toxicity in love is an occurrence many people have witnessed. A lot of those songs are about how hard it is...
When you are the one ending a romantic relationship, staying in contact with your ex can be easier since you are not on the receiving end of the breakup. The same can be said if the relationship ended on good terms. Unfortunately, it is typical for emotions to run high and at least one of...
It all starts with you. Take the necessary time to breathe, turn up the music, and just be kind to yourself! The textbook definition of loneliness is, “sadness because one has no friends or company” Feeling lonely after a breakup is natural. However, if it becomes your natural state, it is important to do some...
100 Quotes About Anxiety In Relationships Have you ever experienced anxiety about your relationship? If so, you're not alone! In fact, this study found that thousands of married couples report feeling anxious as a result of their romantic partnerships. Reading about others' similar experiences can help alleviate some of those relationship-centered stressors. So, if you're...
It’s happened. You no longer feel the same spark for your partner. This doesn’t mean you don’t care about them, because you probably still do. The reality is, just as you can fall in love with someone, you can also fall out of love with them. Suddenly, someone who used to excite you so much...
Sometimes, intellectual attraction trumps physical attraction in a relationship. It’s important to consider what you value in this person to decide what your future holds. Attraction is a fantastic feeling, but sometimes it can bring up conflicting emotions. What do you do if you find yourself intellectually attracted to someone but not physically attracted? We'll...
Overview of the No-Contact rule, what it is, when you should use it, and whether or not it can help you to get your ex back. So you’ve gone through a rough breakup. Do you regret it and want your ex back? Are you ready to move on instead? No matter how you feel about...
It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel after a breakup, but it’s there! If you've recently gone through a breakup, how do you know when you're ready to start dating again? We'll go over thirteen signs you can look for that will let you know you're prepared to date again...
You should let go of your bad marriage because it is ruining your financial and emotional well being. A bad marriage traumatizes your kids way more than a divorce will. Stress and dishonesty will cause your physical health to decline. Does the drama in your marriage make a reality show look boring? Somewhere in your...
After experiencing a betrayal, psychologists agree that you must understand the essential thing: It's really NOT you; it's them. If you went into the relationship with an open heart, willing to share your vulnerabilities, and were betrayed, that is not on you. When someone close to you spills your secrets, harms you, or cheats (in...
Life after a divorce can appear daunting. It doesn’t matter who placed the first call to a divorce attorney. It doesn’t matter how troubling or amicable the legal steps to dissolving the marriage is. You begin to deal with several issues at once: Looking at the prospects of living a life without your partner whom...
Divorce hurts. Regardless of whether it was you or your spouse who initiated terminating the relationship, it is a difficult and painful process. The good news is that you can find happiness again after going through separation and divorce. It won’t necessarily automatically happen, but changing your mindset to one that accepts and is ready for...
This article offers you a treasure trove of books on getting through a divorce with your sanity intact--ranging from books on how to handle the legalities and the (potential) children, to books that will help you heal and move forward confidently. This includes books on how to create better relationships in the future. It may...
If there’s one thing nobody thinks about when tying the knot, is signing a divorce paper. It never crosses their minds with friends and family present, all smiles. But it is often the final decision any couple can take when things go awry. It’s an inevitable choice to make when misunderstandings and other issues pierce...
Nobody likes to think about divorce. But if you have a consistent case of verbal diarrhea, you might be well on your way. Insults thinly veiled as questions are not the ingredients for a successful marriage. If divorce is not on your vision board, do not ask these 10 thoughtless questions. 1. Why do you...