Divorce is never expected. No one thinks about that at the point of saying ‘I do’. Couples say their vows to the deafening applause of their friends and folks present. They walk out of the venue with the promise of a fulfilling marital life. And it usually is, at least for the first few months...
Breaking up is never easy, but sometimes it’s necessary. But what should you do if you’re overcome with regret after breaking up with your ex?  This article will help you determine if the regret is valid and you should try to patch things up with your ex, or if the regret is a trick of...
Following pop culture has become synonymous with reading the news every day. The only difference is, now we are so connected, we get continuous updates all day long. People love celebrities, and people love drama. So what does the general public love more than celebrities getting married? That's right; celebrities getting divorced! Maybe that's why...
Divorce is something none of us really want. When we marry, we intend it to be forever and we expect a relationship that is fulfilling, sustainable, and fun. You dream of a household built on a foundation of love, not resentment. But then it happens - one day, your spouse announces they want a divorce....
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross introduced a model for dealing with grief in her 1969 book, On Death and Dying, which was inspired by her work with terminally ill patients. These stages included denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. However, she later expanded her theory to apply to any form of catastrophic personal loss, such as the death of...
Finding a meme to perfectly describe any situation is a relatively simple feat. You can even find the breakup memes to help you through nearly any breakup. They can be painfully funny or so accurate, you can’t help but agree. One thing is for sure, breakup memes can potentially help you get over a breakup...
WhatsApp was developed in 2009. It has been a popular means of communication for people around the world ever since. WhatsApp Status quickly became a key feature for this app. People took to WhatsApp Status to let the world know what was happening in their lives. In 2017, WhatsApp upgraded this feature to hone in...
It seems as though there is a movie that can perfectly describe any relationship. There are movies about business partnerships. Some of these movies include The Godfather, Jerry Maguire, and The Devil Wears Prada. Other movie relationships are a little more personal. The 10 movies below perfectly describe common personal relationships we see today.  1....
Music is something that we can all relate to. It is something that is only created with a little heart and soul. Music is a great tool to have in good times and in bad. According to a study done on the effects of sad and happy music, emotions and music are directly linked. In...
Let’s say it as it is: breakups are the worst. No matter the circumstances that led to the split, no matter who hit the buzzer, and no matter how mutual the split was, breakups are natural tear-jerkers. The reality of it all stings a lot. To watch that one person who has shared in your...
There’s no nicer way to put it: breakups suck. A lot. No matter what might’ve led to the split, or who initiated it in the first place, breakups are difficult to deal with. Coming to the realization that your new life will be void of your significant other is somewhat unbearable. And what’s even more...
Thinking about breaking up with your partner can be scary especially if you have been with them for a long time. Doubts happen in every relationship, but it can be difficult to distinguish between normal uncertainty and a sign that it’s time to end things. Before making a decision, consider these five questions. 1. What...