Is it that you one day wake up and realize that you’re just not in love anymore? That feeling of anticipation when you’re about to see your partner—the butterflies in your belly—are all gone. The thought of a date night is as exciting as a rerun of a bad Netflix show. You still love your...
Does it shock you when you hear of a couple getting a divorce after decades of marriage? Do you wonder how a couple can be happy with each other for so long only to have their marriage go down the drain when they’ve hit the “golden years”? The phrase “Gray Divorce” refers to divorces involving...
Filing for divorce is never an easy decision. It takes a lot of courage to acknowledge that your marriage isn’t working. And it takes even more courage to end things for good. Unfortunately, the choice to get divorced is just the beginning of your journey. You still have a long road ahead of you, and...
Social stigma occurs when people face judgment and discrimination for a trait that sets them apart. Women have often felt shame due to divorce. Why does divorce stigma exist? Dr. Laurie Essig writes that marriage conveys social class and status, especially for the wealthier and more educated members of the population. If marriage is a...
Divorce is often described as an all-involving, heart-shattering experience. Some people have even equated it to a loved one passing away. If you are the one that wants to work on the marriage, but your partner insists on divorce, it can very well feel like you have lost a loved one. Just like almost any...
Memories, good and bad, are rooted in emotion. It is the emotion attached to the memory that leaves a lasting impact on your mental health and even how you approach your life moving forward. When you think of what constitutes a “bad” memory, your brain most likely concludes that it is a result of past...
Feeling jealous can be distressing. Jealousy is often considered a warning sign of bad things ahead in your relationship. But, if you take the right steps, it can also serve as an opportunity to learn more about yourself and strengthen your relationship. Jealousy is Normal When we think of jealousy, our brains automatically jump to...
Physical abuse is easily identified. The bruises and scars leave no room for doubt that you have been physically abused. You don’t have to second guess yourself, thinking “Am I being physically abused?” Verbal abuse is different. The damage is internal, there are no physical bruises or scars—just a wounded spirit and sense of self-esteem....
Divorce is undoubtedly a shock to anyone’s system. Whether your marriage was healthy or not, your ex gave you some form of constant companionship. After all, you were in their company throughout your time together. It can be tough to come to terms with losing this bond. But this isn’t the only loss you could...
Divorce is not a walk in the park for most people. Even if it’s an amicable divorce, your entire life is changing. Adjusting to that alone can be stressful. Add on the thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and the stress multiplies. Thankfully, there are tips to help you reduce divorce stress. Tips that might very well...
Divorce can be a long, complicated journey. It may take years for you to finally admit to wanting to split up. And then it can take even longer to go through the legal process. Unfortunately, the journey doesn’t end once the divorce papers are signed. Navigating life after a divorce can be tricky. You’ll need...
As much as Hollywood tries to depict successful and rich women, they never seem to get it right. Close your eyes for a moment and you can almost paint a stereotypical character:A young, vibrant, and ambitious woman, at the apex of her career, surrounded by men. She drives the latest cars to work, calls the...
There’s no guarantee of a fulfilling and long-lasting marital life. Ask anyone who recently got divorced. They’d tell you the thought of splitting with their ex never crossed their mind at the point of tying the knot. The first few months or years of marriage usually move smoothly. Both partners put their best foot forward...
Breakups are a bitter pill to swallow. Whatever the cause of the split, it comes with a truckload of emotions. One of the most prominent emotions is anger. And there’s nothing better to guide you through this terrible time than bumping hard to some angry breakup songs. According to a report published at Pennsylvania State...
Dating after divorce is tricky and awkward, to say the least. Dating can feel especially alien if you were married for years or decades. You are so used to being with one person, that looking at someone else in that way can feel almost wrong. It takes some time before you are fully ready to...