Think you want to open your relationship? Learn a little more about open relationships before you do!  Have you ever thought about opening your relationship?  You aren’t alone! Nontraditional relationships are more common in today’s society. While monogamy works for many people, many people are realizing it isn’t for them.  Many people turn to open...
Are you starting to feel like you might be dating a narcissist? It can be hard to tell for sure, as this is part of how a narcissist operates. This can be a scary realization, especially when you aren’t sure what to do next. You might even be thinking that you are the crazy one....
When times get tough, relationships can become strained! In every relationship, there will be times when one or both partners need to evaluate their needs. This is not an unusual occurrence. In fact, it can often be therapeutic to reflect on the status of a relationship. After all, most people are looking for relationships that...
Lately, the media has been ripe with stories of married men cheating on their wives by having a relationship with another woman.  Yet, how can so many women be okay with dating married men? The truth is, there’s a reason women tend to be more attracted to married men. This reason is a contributing factor...
It’s happened. You no longer feel the same spark for your partner. This doesn’t mean you don’t care about them, because you probably still do. The reality is, just as you can fall in love with someone, you can also fall out of love with them. Suddenly, someone who used to excite you so much...
Sometimes, intellectual attraction trumps physical attraction in a relationship. It’s important to consider what you value in this person to decide what your future holds. Attraction is a fantastic feeling, but sometimes it can bring up conflicting emotions. What do you do if you find yourself intellectually attracted to someone but not physically attracted? We'll...
It's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel after a breakup, but it’s there! If you've recently gone through a breakup, how do you know when you're ready to start dating again? We'll go over thirteen signs you can look for that will let you know you're prepared to date again...
You should let go of your bad marriage because it is ruining your financial and emotional well being. A bad marriage traumatizes your kids way more than a divorce will. Stress and dishonesty will cause your physical health to decline. Does the drama in your marriage make a reality show look boring? Somewhere in your...
As time goes by, our relationships change. This is not something we can avoid, nor should we. Life experience, maturity, and many other factors influence who we are as people. Unfortunately, this often means that we can fall out of love with our partners with whom we thought we'd spend the rest of our lives. ...
If you are a child of divorce, you probably have an opinion on the impact of the separation. Some express that the detrimental emotional effects of divorce have resonated into their adulthood. Others find that divorce instilled a new sense of security to their family unit.  A review of recent research suggests that family conflict...
Below you find five signs that your marriage might be falling apart.  That’s not to say that just because you face one or two of these issues, it will fall apart. And even if it is quite literally falling apart, there’s usually a chance to turn things around--if you want to. This article touches upon...
Would you know if you were being verbally abused? The answer to this question might be more difficult than you think. Physical abuse is much more cut and dried, whereas verbal abuse can be more subtle and much harder to detect. When it comes to verbal abuse, victims often question whether or not what they...
Nobody likes to think about divorce. But if you have a consistent case of verbal diarrhea, you might be well on your way. Insults thinly veiled as questions are not the ingredients for a successful marriage. If divorce is not on your vision board, do not ask these 10 thoughtless questions. 1. Why do you...
If there’s collective action we are fond of doing, whether knowingly or unknowingly, it is holding hands. It’s everywhere you turn to when you’re out on the street. Couples, hands clasped, smiling, and walking animatedly. A mother guiding a child across a zebra sidewalk. A young adult assisting a senior citizen. It’s everywhere you look....
If you’ve been married for any length of time, it is likely that the option of divorce has crossed your mind a time or two. Maybe you’re in a rut. Perhaps you’re bored after years together and are wondering if there is someone out there who is a better fit. Or it could be that...