Fear of intimacy is a common reason why relationships don’t work out. It can be frustrating to be in a relationship with someone with intimacy issues. It may feel as if your partner is distant, uncaring and unemotional. On the other hand, people who struggle with intimacy can be equally frustrated. They may feel isolated...
We all know cheating is wrong. That doesn’t stop people from doing it, though. Many people cheat out of fear for leaving the relationship. Yet, this isn’t the only reason a person will cheat. There are a multitude of reasons including severe cases like mental illnesses caused from childhood traumas and sex addiction. Relationships are...
Whether you want to be friends with your ex, get back together with them, or never let them ruin your life again, there is one rule you MUST follow after a break-up: the no contact rule. No, that doesn't mean no contact forever, but for a set period of time. Why? Because this is the...
Social stigma occurs when people face judgment and discrimination for a trait that sets them apart. Women have often felt shame due to divorce. Why does divorce stigma exist? Dr. Laurie Essig writes that marriage conveys social class and status, especially for the wealthier and more educated members of the population. If marriage is a...
Healthy relationships are a mixture of love, understanding, and affection. Things go smoothly when couples are able to understand and meet each other’s needs. But, creating a secure bond is not always as easy as it seems. One person in the relationship may crave closeness. But the other might need more space. One person may...
Sex can feel like one of the most private and intimate parts of your relationship. You may not feel comfortable sharing your experience with others. This is especially true if your relationship has hit a sexual slump. A lot of sexually frustrated couples also struggle to communicate with each other. This can make you feel...
Being in a sexless relationship can bring up a lot of negative emotions. You may feel confused about how you and your partner fell into this rut. But with a little introspection and a few lifestyle adjustments, you can make it out. Seven Reasons Why Relationships are Sexless Many relationships that are currently sexless were...
We’re often taught that love is more than surface-level attraction. When we fall in love, we fall for the parts of a person that make them who they are. We become attracted to their unique personalities. It stands to reason that falling out of love may follow the same pattern. Certain personality traits may impact...
Feeling jealous can be distressing. Jealousy is often considered a warning sign of bad things ahead in your relationship. But, if you take the right steps, it can also serve as an opportunity to learn more about yourself and strengthen your relationship. Jealousy is Normal When we think of jealousy, our brains automatically jump to...
Physical abuse is easily identified. The bruises and scars leave no room for doubt that you have been physically abused. You don’t have to second guess yourself, thinking “Am I being physically abused?” Verbal abuse is different. The damage is internal, there are no physical bruises or scars—just a wounded spirit and sense of self-esteem....
Everyone knows that body language plays a huge role in the quality of any relationship - and the cuddling position you and your partner prefer is no exception. Whether you enjoy falling asleep entangled in each other’s arms, with your backs against one another, or you favor no touching at all, research has shown that...
The writing is on the wall. You can feel it even though you can’t muster enough courage to speak it out loud. Everything in your relationship is out of place. Nothing feels right anymore. You take one look at your significant other, and you’d expect to feel that tingle in your chest. But you don’t....
Divorce is not a walk in the park for most people. Even if it’s an amicable divorce, your entire life is changing. Adjusting to that alone can be stressful. Add on the thoughts, feelings, and emotions, and the stress multiplies. Thankfully, there are tips to help you reduce divorce stress. Tips that might very well...
There’s no guarantee of a fulfilling and long-lasting marital life. Ask anyone who recently got divorced. They’d tell you the thought of splitting with their ex never crossed their mind at the point of tying the knot. The first few months or years of marriage usually move smoothly. Both partners put their best foot forward...
When you’re unhappy in your marriage, it’s only natural to have lots of questions going through your mind. Is this a rough patch? Should we try to work things out? Or is divorce really the answer? Going through a divorce could impact your children, your finances, and your lifestyle. This might make you feel pressured...