It all starts with you. Take the necessary time to breathe, turn up the music, and just be kind to yourself! The textbook definition of loneliness is, “sadness because one has no friends or company” Feeling lonely after a breakup is natural. However, if it becomes your natural state, it is important to do some...
It’s happened. You no longer feel the same spark for your partner. This doesn’t mean you don’t care about them, because you probably still do. The reality is, just as you can fall in love with someone, you can also fall out of love with them. Suddenly, someone who used to excite you so much...
You (or your partner) want a pause in the relationship. You both want to take a step back and see if your paths align and you’re getting what you need/want.  Do you both want kids? Careers? Do your values align? Regardless of who wants the break, this is a time you can use to really...
Divorce undoubtedly presents new opportunities in love. Without divorce, you wouldn't have the chance to start over and find someone that is better suited for the person you grew to be. Some people say, "love doesn't last forever, but divorce does." there is a permanence in divorce that can be invigorating. Sure, divorce sucks. It...
When someone you love betrays your trust, it can feel like an insurmountable hurdle. You might feel consumed with how you can ever move past the transgression to a place of forgiveness. How will you ever trust each other again? Will they cheat on me again? Are we going to get divorced? And if you...
Divorce hurts. Regardless of whether it was you or your spouse who initiated terminating the relationship, it is a difficult and painful process. The good news is that you can find happiness again after going through separation and divorce. It won’t necessarily automatically happen, but changing your mindset to one that accepts and is ready for...
If there’s one thing nobody thinks about when tying the knot, is signing a divorce paper. It never crosses their minds with friends and family present, all smiles. But it is often the final decision any couple can take when things go awry. It’s an inevitable choice to make when misunderstandings and other issues pierce...
If there’s collective action we are fond of doing, whether knowingly or unknowingly, it is holding hands. It’s everywhere you turn to when you’re out on the street. Couples, hands clasped, smiling, and walking animatedly. A mother guiding a child across a zebra sidewalk. A young adult assisting a senior citizen. It’s everywhere you look....
Breakups are already a major blow to your ego. Your impulse may be to dig your keys into the side of his four-wheel-drive a la Carrie Underwood. But, the repercussions of that may last longer than your actual relationship. These 10 tips will have you moving on with grace and keep your dignity intact. 1....
Is it that you one day wake up and realize that you’re just not in love anymore? That feeling of anticipation when you’re about to see your partner—the butterflies in your belly—are all gone. The thought of a date night is as exciting as a rerun of a bad Netflix show. You still love your...
Social stigma occurs when people face judgment and discrimination for a trait that sets them apart. Women have often felt shame due to divorce. Why does divorce stigma exist? Dr. Laurie Essig writes that marriage conveys social class and status, especially for the wealthier and more educated members of the population. If marriage is a...
Ending a marriage to someone you once thought you’d spend your life with can feel overwhelming. Discovering that someone was probably a narcissist adds a whole new dimension of difficulty. Divorcing a narcissist almost makes being married to a narcissist look like a walk in the park. Luckily, there are steps you can take to...
Feeling jealous can be distressing. Jealousy is often considered a warning sign of bad things ahead in your relationship. But, if you take the right steps, it can also serve as an opportunity to learn more about yourself and strengthen your relationship. Jealousy is Normal When we think of jealousy, our brains automatically jump to...
Physical abuse is easily identified. The bruises and scars leave no room for doubt that you have been physically abused. You don’t have to second guess yourself, thinking “Am I being physically abused?” Verbal abuse is different. The damage is internal, there are no physical bruises or scars—just a wounded spirit and sense of self-esteem....
It typically starts like this: You meet a guy at a fancy social gathering and both of you hit it off. He calls the next day and asks to hang out. You don’t want to but he’s cute and asked nicely, so you oblige. The dinner is amazing. Both of you exchange laughter and long...